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spurious regression中文是什么意思

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  • Strong the relationship of tax and economy , adjust the structure of budgetary expenditure … ) and some points need further research ( e . g . the analysis of tax structure … ) this paper adopt unit root test , cointegration test and ecm model to solve the spurious regression of traditional forecast model . var model has good forecast effect and stepwise regression can solve multicollinearity
    本文在继承前辈研究成果的基础上力争有所突破,在研究方法上,针对传统税收预测模型存在的某些缺陷,采用单位根检验、协整检验及ecm模型解决困扰计量经济学界多时的伪回归问题; grange因果关系检验、 var模型被证明具有较好的预测效果;逐步回归则有效的克服了多重共线性带来的问题。
用"spurious regression"造句  
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